Introduction to my film review blog


I am an aspiring film critic and will be using this blog to share my reviews of the latest films.

Each review will have a rating out of five stars. However, I find this a rather blunt tool to measure a film by so each review will also have a 'recommend to a friend' section where I will outline if I would suggest someone else should watch this film.

Every review will also let the reader know if this film passed The Bechdal Test. A film passes the test if it has two named female characters, if two or more women have a conversation and if the conversation is not about men (for more information you can check out this website If a film fails the Bechnal Test it does not necessarily mean that it is a misogynist film however I think it is something that is worth baring in mind. For so many years women have been overlooked in the film industry and it is always work keeping an eye on women's position within the industry.

I hope you enjoy my reviews and find them helpful for choosing which film to watch!


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